Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Only Tuesday...

Nothing terribly interesting happened today.

I feel like a lot of my days are like this - filled with the boring little inanities of daily routine. This is why I don't talk to my friends more often, I'm sure. I simply have nothing truly interesting to report. Sure, I could blather on about this and that, how my day was, and what I had for breakfast, but in all honesty, I barely care myself...

My sister talks to my Mom every day of the week. I have no idea what I would talk to my Mom about on a daily basis. I call her twice a week to say hi, and I often find myself struggling to come up with interesting things to say, or anything at all. A lot of my days are really rather "lather-rinse-repeat", and so I feel bad wasting people's time babbling about what inconsequential problems I have.

My friends have real problems. My one friend is CEO of his own company that makes incredibly cool high-tech devices. He worries every day about how his business is doing, whether or not he's going to have to fire people, and whether or not the company will go belly-up after many, many years of hard work and effort. He also travels all over the place trying to secure business deals, and has some really crazy people on his management team that make his life waaaay more difficult than it should be. Another friend of mine is in all likelihood getting a divorce. These are real problems. Interestingly, these people seem to never have a shortage of things to talk about. They have good stories. They aren't bitchy, or whiny, or complain-y though - they don't tell 'poor-me' stories, but the conflict in their lives does tend to make for interesting talk.

Seems like there should be a better way to have interesting things to talk about. Maybe I should start doing more interesting things.

Anyway. Only Tuesday...


Blogger Verbose said...

Dude, I feel your pain. But inanities melt away with wine; lots and lots of wine. It's pathetic, but hey, so is life. Cheers!

10:33 PM  

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